

March 7, 2025 1:44 pm


Welcome to LONGFORD & FRASER Leadership Academy for Boys
The LONGFORD & FRASER Leadership Academy for Boys presents a specialised program for 5 – 16 year old boys with a new and much-needed emphasis on the life and leadership skills known as emotional, social and adaptability/adversity intelligence skills (EQ, SQ & AQ).

Children and adults today are faced with unique challenges and pressures in a rapidly-changing world. Proactively developing skills such as resilience, the ability to resist peer pressure, outstanding communication skills, self-respect, a balanced confidence, a high frustration tolerance, critical thinking skills, good sportsmanship, self-discipline and assertive communication will make our sons' path through life easier and lay the foundation for excellence, success and well-being.

Society now realises that whilst IQ and marks at school are important, it is our ability to relate, empathise, engage, behave, take prompt personal responsibility, prioritise challenging tasks first, apologise and communicate effectively with others, that determines our ultimate success in life.
  • To promote a generation of confident, competent, common-sense-driven, courageous and caring young men who first and foremost lead themselves well. You cannot lead others if you first cannot lead yourself.
  • To proactively immunise the next generation against depression, anxiety and mental distress by championing the skills of social resilience and emotional intelligence (“Society gets much better results from prevention rather than intervention” – Professor John Gottman, professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Washington).
  • To proactively assist our young men to develop core values and character traits including humility, courage, decency, respect for all genders and races, grit, generosity of spirit, moral and ethical transparency, mateship (making friends and keeping them), commitment to your word, respect for authority, good manners, confident communication, respect and appreciation for discipline, the criticality of mental toughness and the commitment to telling the truth no matter what.
  • To proactively develop the qualities of leadership including
    self-discipline, respect for authority, good manners, self-respect, the ability to recover from setbacks, the taking of calculated risks, powerful body language, innovative thinking, self-restraint under stress, authenticity, connection with one’s emotions and an unswerving commitment to ethical decision-making and integrity.

Nancy Lipengold, mother of Aaron, aged 12, Caulfield South PS

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you & commend you for the amazing experience that the boys take out of your course. Aaron has thoroughly enjoyed every lesson he attended. You are doing an incredible job for all the young men lucky enough to attending your course and I commend you on the effort & the time, commitment as well as your boundless faith you exert in engaging the boys and bringing out true gentlemen & leaders in them. Once again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your belief in humanity & positive input into the men of our future existence.

Nancy Lipengold, mother of Aaron, aged 12, Caulfield South PS

Valentina, Mother of Tom Jorgensen, Brighton Grammar School.

“Tom thoroughly enjoyed the Junior Resilience and Confidence Masterclass, and very much looked forward to attending each week. He acquired some valuable interpersonal skills through engrossing and exciting class activities, and was keen to implement what he had learnt each week. He would often later recount what was taught and demonstrated in class and be smiling or even laughing whilst doing so, as it was taught in a manner, which absolutely engaged a boy of his age. We were delighted with both the teaching methods and broad curriculum, which encouraged Tom’s understanding of core values and his own self-awareness. What you teach are valuable learnings for life, and should be part of any child’s complete education.”

Valentina, Mother of Tom Jorgensen, Brighton Grammar School.

Kate, mum of Matthew, aged 13, Mentone Grammar

Matthew has enjoyed your course SO much! It has been the highlight of his week, every week. We are so grateful to you for all that you have taught Matthew. Your lessons have given Matthew confidence, prompted him to think critically, and happiness. On his school leadership application he wrote about how he was recently able to resist peer pressure to do the wrong thing. When I asked him about it, he told me that you had taught him these skills. We really appreciate the value of what you teach.

Kate, mum of Matthew, aged 13, Mentone Grammar

Anne, mother of Ben, aged 10, Gardenvale PS

The biggest gift of all is the tools for life that Ben has been given at Longford and Fraser. The lessons the boys learn on a weekly basis are simply priceless. It is a totally unique course – where can young boys learn about being truly fine people and good men? Where can they talk about life issues they confront? Our whole family benefited from reading and discussing the weekly lesson summary handed out each week. It must be an amazing feeling to know how much of a contribution you both make to the lives of so many people. We have noticed a huge “step up” in Ben’s attitude, manners and behaviour since he began at Longford and Fraser. It’s been a great year for him. Stepping back to let me through the door first, thanking me for a meal….it’s heartwarming. Many thanks again for everything.

Anne, mother of Ben, aged 10, Gardenvale PS

Beata Amico, mother of Luka, aged 13, Albert Park College

I still remember the conversation I had with Luka just before he commenced with L&F about how much he did not like himself, as he was ‘too different’ from other boys in his class; he told me that if he wished hard enough he would turn himself into someone else…..it was heart breaking to hear it and to see how much pain he was in….and now – he is a different boy; happy, confident, assertive with a wicked sense of humour and healthy self-esteem; he genuinely thinks himself a great kid and has wonderful friends and great time at his new school. I sincerely believe that it wouldn’t have happened without you and Longford and Fraser!
Thanks again,

Beata Amico, mother of Luka, aged 13, Albert Park College

Gail Virgona, mum of Luca, aged 10, Newport Lakes PS

The other day, quite unprompted, Luca told me: “I used to muck around a bit at school” Me: “And you don’t anymore” Him “No” Me “What do you think has changed?” Him “Longford and Fraser” Quote!

Gail Virgona, mum of Luca, aged 10, Newport Lakes PS

Nicole Bennett, mum of Byron, aged 6, Black Rock PS

“Our son Byron, aged 6 years old thoroughly enjoyed the Junior Resilience and Confidence Masterclass.
He loved all the role-playing in different social situations, allowing him to understand about real life scenarios.
He learnt a lot about manners, being respectful and how to take “No” as an answer and not to get upset.
He built a healthy self-confidence, learning to use a big strong voice in public, which in turn got him the role as “Joseph” in the school play!
I will certainly send my second son to this course as I think it’s a course for life!
Thank you for everything.

Nicole Bennett, mum of Byron, aged 6, Black Rock PS

Tonya Gladstone, mother of Laura, 12, King David School and Charlie, 10, Geelong Grammar

“Both my children suffer from social anxiety. Shine Academy and Longford and Fraser have been amazing for teaching them in a fun and relevant way how to handle social situations and how to feel better about themselves. When my daughter started at Shine, she could not get up in front of her class let alone a room full of strangers without completely falling apart and laughing hysterically. After one term she was able to give her end of term speech without so much as a giggle. Shine Academy and Longford make each child feel supported valued and worthwhile. Melissa also lets the children know in a kind caring yet firm and direct way how she expects them to behave and what the consequences of their choices will be. My son has gone from strength to strength, he is making more friends at school and is becoming more relaxed in social situations. Melissa should look to implementing her programme in schools – it would do the world of good for the youth of today who are subjected to images of perfection that no one can really live up to.

Tonya Gladstone, mother of Laura, 12, King David School and Charlie, 10, Geelong Grammar

Rachel Lang, mum of Dylan, Auburn South Primary School

Thank you so much for the last 3 days. Dylan had an absolute ball and came home learning so much! He was so excited to show us everything he had learnt, not just leadership skills but knowledge on current affairs and global issues as well. He learnt more with you in the last three days than he has in a whole year of school. We will do our utmost to continue on with everything you have taught us and hopefully Dylan will one day be a leader. We are so appreciative and grateful of your help and hard work with our son.

Rachel Lang, mum of Dylan, Auburn South Primary School

Gina Espinosa, mother of Lucas, aged 11, Deepdene PS

I just wanted to express my gratitude. You cannot imagine the impact that you have had on Lucas and how highly he speaks of you. We feel so lucky to have found you and experience your magic! Your charisma and love for your profession is wonderful Melissa! Thank you so much for being such an amazing role model for our kids. Amazing life lessons you have thought our children while having so much fun!

Gina Espinosa, mother of Lucas, aged 11, Deepdene PS