

March 7, 2025 1:59 pm

Ethan Sinclair, Sandringham College, Year 8

Ethan completed the entire curriculum. After four terms in our class this was his graduation speech:

Good evening ladies and gentlemen. It has been one year since I started the Longford and Fraser program. Miss Anderson has taught me so many life skills and has given me the courage to be a “Lion”. A “Lion” is someone who thinks for themselves and makes wise and courageous decisions, this helped me to make the decision to change schools. The opposite of a Lion is a Sheep, who cares too much about the approval of others, and copies what other people do, like taking drugs. Another thing Miss Anderson has taught me is to always find the good in the bad, “the diamond in the dumpster”, “the blessing in the bummer. Miss Anderson also taught me to NEVER play the victim. I will now tell you two quotes. “If it is to be, it is up to me“ by Tommy Hafey. This means if you want something to happen, you have to make it happen. The other quote is “If you want to soar with the Eagles, don’t mix with the Turkeys”. This means if you want to make your own choices and be successful, don’t mix with the shady people who take drugs. And lastly two things that will help me at my new school: The five star handshake (look in the eye, lead foot, comment, smile, and make sure your thumb is tight), and chivalry (kindness to girls). I would like to thank my mum for sending me to this fantastic academy and to my friends who have made me laugh and made the whole experience the best I could have imagined. And especially to Miss Anderson who has been an inspiration and a wonderful teacher. From the bottom of my heart I thank you. Good evening and goodnight.