

February 23, 2025 1:18 pm



Q: Does it matter in what order my son completes the programs?
No, each Module is unique and independent. We enrol 25% new students each term. The curriculum is rigorous, memorable and enduring in each of the four modules. Your son may wish to return in future years to retake modules or consider the Teenager and Young Adult program for 12 – 16 year olds.

Q: Are people born with leadership qualities or can they be learned?
The majority of leadership traits are learnt. The key element of leadership is through leading by example – displaying behaviour that aligns with high standards of decency and respectful behaviour toward oneself and toward others.

Q: Do the traits of leadership improve with age?
Age and life experience work symbiotically to improve our skills as a leader. A leader is always learning and committed to life-long learning. Acknowledging and focussing on areas where you still require development is part of being a leader.

Q: Where are the heroes?
Unfortunately, today, many of our young people identify celebrities and sports stars as their heroes. However, only a rare few are deserving of the term “hero”. The goal at LONGFORD & FRASER is to develop heroic and respectful behaviour and leadership qualities as early as possible. Our aim, at the end of our teaching, is that your son’s peers look to him as a stellar example of a gentleman, a leader, a mate and a community contributor.

Q: At the completion of a program, what does LONGFORD & FRASER provide to acknowledge my son’s participation?

At the completion of each program we present each boy with a hand-prepared program attestation. We recommend he include this in his résumé and school folio, particularly when applying for office bearer positions, part-time employment or scholarships. 

ONE term completed: Junior Diploma of Leadership
TWO terms completed: Junior Bachelor of Leadership
THREE terms completed: Junior Masters of Leadership
FOUR terms completed: Junior Ph.D of Leadership

Q: How do the tutors deal with disruptive students?
We reserve the right to excuse a boy from class if he is observed to be disruptive, uncooperative, unkind to others, lacking in maturity to benefit from the curriculum, displays poor standards of self-control or is continually late. Parents sign an enrolment terms and conditions document during the enrolment process indicating that they acknowledge and agree with this policy.

Q: Do you offer Gift Certificates?
Yes, a LONGFORD & FRASER gift certificate is a unique gift for Christmas and birthdays.
We will post the Gift Certificate in 3-5 working days.
Please email the LONGFORD & FRASER Office: info@longfordandfraser.com.au

Q: How do you ensure that the curriculum caters for such a wide range of ages?

Each program curriculum is appropriately modified to account for different age levels. However, it is a philosophy of LONGFORD & FRASER that the earlier in life this material is discussed in detail, the greater the opportunity for developing enduring life skills. 

Q: Are parents provided with a lesson summary so that the LONGFORD & FRASER curriculum can be reinforced at home?
Yes, at the conclusion of each class, parents are provided with a two-page summary sheet of the key learning lessons. Parental reinforcement at home is a crucial part of the learning strategy.

Q: Do you provide anything similar for girls?
Yes, the SHINE Academy for Girls was launched in 2009.
We offer eight modules which are presented in pairs (eg: Modules 1&2 are offered in Term 1, Modules 3&4 are offered in Term 2, etc).

Girls can attend during term time or during the School Holiday Program in January and July.
For further information please visit the SHINE Academy website.

Q: My son’s schedule is quite full this year. I would love my son to experience ALL the modules! Is that possible?
The School Holiday Program entitled “LONGFORD & FRASER Masterclass” held annually in April combines all four modules in a distilled format. It is held over 3 days in the school holidays. It does not replace the in-depth term program format held over the eight weeks of each school term, but the Holiday Program is a rigorous and engaging learning opportunity.
For more details: Click here

Q: Are the group classes claimable under the NDIS program?
Yes, upon completion of the program a NDIS receipt will be provided. 
(Item description is: Capacity Building – Daily Activities)

Q: Who designed your logo?
Our logo designer is Mr Haryo Sedewo, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia