

March 7, 2025 2:18 pm

Suzana Bishop, mum of Joshua, aged 6, St Leonards College

“I commend you for taking the initiative to create a resilience and confidence masterclass for young children. In a world most often ruled by me, mine and I, where self-expression can border lack of respect towards others, courses such as The Junior Resilience Masterclass no doubt contribute to a better world, where we (young and old) are reminded to act thoughtfully and kindly towards others.

We parents don’t always know the right words to say to prepare our children to deal with difficult situations such as bullying and the course also provided great notes allowing me to continue to reinforce the message at home. Just the other day, Joshua was upset with something I did and I encouraged him to tell me what was wrong with his ‘Assertive Hero voice’. Instantly his poise changed and he was able to look me in the eye and express his unhappiness in a healthy manner.

So thank you SHINE/Longford & Fraser for the outstanding program.